"Christ is risen from the dead. We are one with Him again. Come awake. Come awake. Come and rise up from the grave. Oh death! Where is your sting? Oh hell! Where is your victory? Oh church! Come stand in the Light. Our God is not dead. He's alive! He's alive!"
We sang that song at church today. I love being reminded of the magnitude of Jesus' love for us. He paid the ultimate price. He overcame so that we could overcome. To Him be the glory!
Our Easter weekend started out Saturday by heading to the Erie Zoo for their annual Easter Egg Hunt. Madilyn had a great time finding the perfect, shiny egg.
She was quite amazed at all of this Easter action.
She got to see the Easter Bunny, and as Madilyn said, "Her's not a scary bunny mom. Her's just a girl."
Her Easter basket was filled with chocolate, a box of chalk and a new green bean plant that she got to plant herself. She even got her face painted like a bunny. She hopped the whole way home :D
Then, we dyed eggs at home. I felt like an official mom yesterday, boiling eggs for dying while Madilyn was taking a nap. Wow. I can't believe she's big enough to dye eggs with. Where does the time go?
Cameron got all of the colors ready for us, and then we went for it. We also made Easter bunny cookies. Yum Yum.
This morning, we attended Grace Church and then went to the Olive Garden for lunch. Madilyn asked for "crunchy bread" for lunch from the waitress, so she brought her a plate full of croutons. Madilyn was in serious bliss. Then, as we were getting our check, the waitress said, "Guess what! The Easter bunny was just here, and he wanted me to give you this. She pulled out three small packages of croutons!" haha Madilyn's eyes were HUGE! She was so excited to get croutons from the Easter bunny.
After she wakes up from her nap, we will hide our eggs in the backyard and let her hunt them. Precious times. I love being a mom and a wife, and I love that God cares so much about each of us that He sent His Son to die so that we might live. Amazing love. Truly amazing. Happy Easter!