But, in doing so, she doesn't get very much "tummy time." This is important to develop her muscles and all that. However, each time I put her on her tummy, she gets mad. It's like I'm torturing her. And, believe it or not, for a while I would only do it about 2 or 3 minutes a day because it made her so mad. Being a new mom, you do whatever you can to try to not have a crying baby! It's the truth!
One day I was on a baby website, and it said that "By now, she should be having up to 20 min. of tummy time per day." Whoa! We were not doing that much at all!!!
I am pleased to let you know that now (she's almost 4 months old!), we're able to have more "tummy time" without her crying.
So, here are a few pictures of her this week, having tummy time and not crying! Yay!!!

Here is her first 3 month size outfit to wear. It was a gift from our friends Thomas and Amity. I had to take her picture because I am amazed that she's just now fitting into it (at the ripe old age of 4 months)!
Also, last night after this picture was taken, we were playing in her floor and she starting screaming!!! LOUD! I've never heard her do that before. I couldn't tell if she was mad or just overly excited. But, I'm guessing she was mad because an hour later when I was changing her diaper and getting her pj's on, she was thrashing her arms around and jerking her head around and throwing a FIT! Wow! Praise God for healthy lungs! LOL It ended up being that she was just really tired, and as soon as I swaddled her and fed her she was OUT for the night. It's so fun to see her growing and changing...and I figure that she can't talk yet, so all she has is her whining, crying, and (NOW) screaming to let me know how she feels. So, it's acceptable for now. However, when she learns to talk it will be a much different story. :0) Oh, the joys of motherhood! I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!