Lately, our lives have been filled with lots of fun things. We've made new friends and been generally busy, for the most part.
This month at the Home Depot Kids workshop, Madilyn built a racecar! She sure is getting good with wood glue, hammers, screwdrivers and goggles. Look out!
We have been attending Barnes and Noble storytime once a week. I love it because it feels like "adult time," being in that it's located inside B & N, but also Madilyn loves it, too! The same lady reads 3 books each week to the group of kids and caregivers, and then she brings them fresh sugar cookies from the coffee shop. Yummy! Madilyn's favorite thing to do when storytime is over is to get the step stools gathered up, grab 20 stuffed animals (that are for sale) and play house with them. She uses the step stools as props for her scenarios. Pretty cute :)
We have been attending Barnes and Noble storytime once a week. I love it because it feels like "adult time," being in that it's located inside B & N, but also Madilyn loves it, too! The same lady reads 3 books each week to the group of kids and caregivers, and then she brings them fresh sugar cookies from the coffee shop. Yummy! Madilyn's favorite thing to do when storytime is over is to get the step stools gathered up, grab 20 stuffed animals (that are for sale) and play house with them. She uses the step stools as props for her scenarios. Pretty cute :)
We have some new friends! Their names are Bryan and Kaley Auton, and they have three precious kiddos: Bryley, Bracen and Baptist. The Auton's are such a sweet family, and we seem to have a lot in common with them. They even moved here from Atlanta about 2 months after we moved to Erie! The only crazy thing is this: THEY ARE MOVING BACK TO GEORGIA IN A MONTH! We are trying to not feel heartbroken about this. I mean, afterall, we couldn't ask them to stay in Erie until we move (although I have thought about asking them a few times--haha!). Madilyn and Bryley have so much fun playing together!
Here they are being secret agent spy princesses!
Oh, and guess what!!! Our zoo is open again! We survived the winter and the dreaded zoo all peace and order is restored in our home. We went to the zoo this week, and it was SUPER DUPER COLD! I'm pretty sure the windchill was in the 20's, which breaks my rule of only being outside if the windchill is above 32, but ya know...desperate times call for desperate measures. Cameron even got to go to the zoo with us this week!
All in all, things are great. We are seeing God's faithfulness on a day by day, moment by moment basis. "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with the things you have. For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Oh, and guess what!!! Our zoo is open again! We survived the winter and the dreaded zoo all peace and order is restored in our home. We went to the zoo this week, and it was SUPER DUPER COLD! I'm pretty sure the windchill was in the 20's, which breaks my rule of only being outside if the windchill is above 32, but ya know...desperate times call for desperate measures. Cameron even got to go to the zoo with us this week!
All in all, things are great. We are seeing God's faithfulness on a day by day, moment by moment basis. "Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with the things you have. For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
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