First off, Madilyn now puts herself to sleep in her bed, instead of me rocking her to sleep. This makes me excited and sad at the same time. She seems like she must be pretty confident because she weens herself from things before I'm ready. LOL Like breastfeeding,...one day she decided she was done, and SHE WAS! Now, she sleeps better when I just lay her in her bed...so I DO! :0)
She now holds her own bottle, and she drinks from a sippy cup during her meals. She eats carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, prunes, applesauce, peaches, and oatmeal. Very impressive!
Madilyn also does the army crawl. She can pretty much manuever herself into any place in the house she wants...but she likes standing much more than being on her tummy. She may be a "walker before a crawler." We'll see.
It's so neat seeing her grow up and change. It's the most amazing thing to be a part of a baby's life...watching her learn and explore new things. It's such a miracle! And, as far as staying home with her goes, I'm loving EVERY minute of it! This is EXACTLY where I want to be. I told a friend who is expecting a baby today, "When you have that sweet baby and hold them in your arms, you'll think, "THIS is what I was created for." God is so amazing...and so are His little treasures.
We had a Blizzard this past weekend (Yes, in March!), and I caught some fun moments of her playing.

Here she is, playing on our bed!

1 comment:
Wow, it's amazing how fast she is growing! That's awesome that she is already trying to stand up! What an amazing young lady. :)
That's funny about the old lady...and I love those "rose smelling" moments...like when you are laughing with your husband so hard you are crying! lol
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