Today was Fall Fun Day at our church. We have never been, so Madilyn and I weren't sure what to expect...but it was FUN!!!
This morning was very cold, windy and rainy, and it would've been the perfect day for me to stay in, but I had signed up to bring 3 dozen cookies to the event...or else I probably would've just stayed home. But I guess I'm learning that if you live in Erie, you go to stuff no matter how bad the weather is because you have no idea when it's going to get better. Can't stay home forever! I'm so glad we went, though, because we had a blast!
Madilyn painted a pumpkin which is still drying as I type this, 8 hours after it was painted. The kid loves to paint! She really knows how to apply it thick, too :) She picked the pumpkin that had all the pimples on it...I guess she knew it needed some love.
Next, we went to face painting. At first, I asked her if she wanted to get her face painted. She replied, "Yes, I want to paint my face. My do it!" But, after I convinced her that those paints were not hers, she still wanted the sweet lady to paint her face. I have never seen Madilyn sit as still as she did today. And, the "Fy-fwy" (butterfly) turned out just great!
Then we headed over to the food. They served meatball subs, chips and cookies with lemonade to drink. There were crayons and color pages for the kids to work on while they ate. I ate the sandwich and Madilyn ate all of the side items while she colored a masterpiece. We make a pretty good team! ;)
Lastly, we stopped by Candy Bar BINGO before we left the event. I wasn't sure how she would do at this since she doesn't quite get the concept of letters with rows of numbers, but she surprised me and loved it! We didn't win the first round, but we played another round and Madilyn got a BINGO! She got to pick a full-size candy bar...and she picked a Hershey Bar with Almonds. The girl's got good taste. 
She ate the majority of the candy bar on the way home (hey, I had to sneak a couple of bites) and then she started in on my Reese's Pieces (I got the consolation mini-size candy bar since I didn't get a BINGO). This was such a treat since we don't give her candy very often at all, and if we do, it's in tiny amounts :) I'm pretty sure she's going to dream about chocolate tonight!
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